
渡辺沙羅のブログです。 This is Sara Watanabe's blog.i just want to live happily.

Agriculture 虫草農園

when the snowing.

have you seen snowflake? i find it and shot it. いつも山から舞ってくる雪はとっても素敵です。自然界のデザイン。 it was so amazing. but!!! it's too much! 今日の雪。あっという間にムーミン谷になってしまいました。 when the snowing i went to see…

someone visited in my garden!

5日間くらい漆喰塗りをしてました! 最初は気泡ができてしまったり、パレットからすべて落としてしまったりしました!いやーでも楽しかったです。 i was plaiting mortar in last week. first it was so hard! but when i was painting at final wall i was …

harvest festival and recently

i tried to make this one week ago. that was for harvest festival. we call ゙mushikusa nouen゙. the meaning is ゙ farming with bugs and grass.現在建築中のおばあちゃんの家からでた廃材を薪ストーブの薪として使っています。実は手にとるたびにもった…

what kind of world do i want to live?

I was born in Japan. just like that, then i did go some country and then i could meet a lot of interesting people and i could know some different tasty taste and cool culture.when i was in junior high school student 3rd year i was thinking…


犬の散歩の途中で見つけた、美しい実。カナムグラみたいなトゲがあるけど、小学生の時から気に入ってた実。 手前の黄色いボンボンは、アメリカセンダングサ。これも、小学生の時によく投げて遊んだよなぁ。今日は、写真をアップしてみようと思います。 最近G…

traditional culture and traditional agriculture. 縄文時代と農。

井戸尻遺跡。 in side of the brown house is grinder. we grind soba seeds. this power from the water. it's nice!thatched roof (made from straw) one is traditional house in my hometown. the history is about 16500 years ago.この粉引き小屋の近…

our culture is planting some rice.

today is holiday in japan. i went to walking tour in next to my home town. we have traditional culture. it's about 16500 years ago(Before Christ). we call "jomon jidai". it's really interesting and beautiful for me. today i want to explain…


this is pigeon in japan. is that everywhere same?? this pigeon came to my house, but i don't know the reason... lose way? However she or he enjoy her life. in the morning she went to breakfast by her self. in the daytime she walk around ou…

I live in Yamanashi.

食事編アップしたいとか言っておきながら、ずっと調子悪いんじゃないかと思わせてしまうようなページでストップしていてすみません。 心配してくださった方、ありがとうございました。 食事編はまた、日を改めてアップしていけたらいいなぁと思っています。…