
渡辺沙羅のブログです。 This is Sara Watanabe's blog.i just want to live happily.


手作りのある暮らし ② Kuriさん

この小屋を建てているKuriさんたちのポリシーは、あるもので作ること。 USEDの材料の素敵な使い方を教えてもらいたくて、小屋作りの会に飛び入りで参加させてもらいました。 色とりどりの板を貼ってウロコのような壁。ところどころコンパネように見える板も…

韓国の適正技術を学びに。I went to Korea for 6days. part 1

Korea is our neighborhood country. From Japan to Korea takes just 2hours by airplane.And our face are really similar, the food and season also. But the language are very different. Last week i went to korea for stove event. In my korea tim…

traditional culture and traditional agriculture. 縄文時代と農。

井戸尻遺跡。 in side of the brown house is grinder. we grind soba seeds. this power from the water. it's nice!thatched roof (made from straw) one is traditional house in my hometown. the history is about 16500 years ago.この粉引き小屋の近…